We do not guarantee the continuous supply of any product and/or service. We are not liable for any loss suffered due to non-supply of any product and/or service. Any inaccuracy of information shall be considered a typographical error. We are in no way responsible for the privacy, content, or view expressed by any web site linked to this web site. You are free to link another site to this site so long as you do not imply any sponsorship by us of your site (unless permission is given by us to the contrary).
You may only display one of our registered trademarks (including our logo) on your web site if we expressly give you permission to do so. In any case, the trademark must only be displayed in the form provided by us and may not be changed or manipulated in any way. This web site, the information it contains and the products and/or services offered should only ever be considered as displayed and/or provided in the state of Victoria, Australia.
If you require further information about our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy contact:
Ph. +61 3 8669 1210